What Is Unified Communications Today?

What Is Unified Communications Today?

The term Unified Communications was coined in the mid-1990s.  Before that time we were happy calling things what they were – Videoconferencing (newfangled), Telephony (mature), etc. When tools that could detect a user’s presence were inserted into the mix it just made sense to have all the communication methods come together and share common information - so users could easily “escalate” their collaboration between the formerly separate processes

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Did UC That Bat-Turn?

Did UC That Bat-Turn?

Holy Collaboration Whiplash!

On the old, iconic TV show Batman, when the Batmobile was going too quickly in the wrong direction, they used to execute a maneuver called a Bat-Turn.  After doubly strapping-in to avoid injuries, two large parachutes were deployed to assist in rapidly slowing the vehicle, which would then spin around to the new desired direction and speed-up again.

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Symco Boston Technology Showcase

Symco Boston Technology Showcase

Boston Technology Showcase
Sept 20, 2016
Cafe Escadrille
26 Cambridge St.
Burlington, MA 01803
Ph: 781-273-1916
Exit 33A off of Rt 128

These events are open to all Integrators, VARs, Consultants and Technology Users and will provide you exposure to, and interaction with, today’s leading technology solutions...and the people who are designing, installing and using them.

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